Books - History - Documents
PIONEROS DEL TABACO 2º edición - Los Fabricantes de Cigarrillos en la  Argentina, 1850-1920
Tobacco Pioneers 2nd edition - Cigarette Manufacturers in Argentina, 1850-1920, by Alejandro Butera. (year 2019, in spanish only)
PIONEROS DEL TABACO - Los Fabricantes de Cigarrillos en la  Argentina, 1880-1920
Tobacco Pioneers - Cigarette Manufacturers in Argentina, 1880-1920, by Alejandro Butera. (year 2012, in spanish only)
JUAN POSSE, EL TABAQUERO MITRISTA, by Horacio Poggi (extended abstract of the book, year 2013) (in spanish)
MANUEL MALAGRIDA - Los orígenes de la industria del cigarrillo en Argentina, por Juan José Ruiz (in spanish)
The origins of the cigarette industry in Argentina, by Juan José Ruiz.
ELS CONCURSOS DE CARTELLS DELS CIGARRlLLOS PARIS 1900-1901 - The Poster Contests of the PARIS Cigarettes 1900-1901 (written in catalan with spanish translation - year 1995)
ELS CONCURSOS DE CARTELLS DELS CIGARRlLLOS PARIS 1900-1901 - The Poster Contests of the PARIS Cigarettes 1900-1901 (written in catalan - new version year 2013)
REVISTA ILUSTRADA DEL GRAN CONCURSO UNIVERSAL DE CARTELES (SEGUNDO DE LA SERIE) DE LOS CIGARRILLOS PARÍS (almanaque año 1902). Illustrated Magazine of the Great Universal Poster Contest (second of the series) of PARIS Cigarettes (Calendar year 1902) (in spanish only)
HISTORIA DEL TABACO - UNIVERSALIDAD DE SUS INDUSTRIAS Y COMERCIO, por Juan Domenech. Aniceto López Editor (1941) (in spanish) History of Tobacco - Universality of their Industries and Trade. by Juan Domenech.
TIEMPO DE TRABAJADORES: LOS OBREROS DEL TABACO (Roberto Izquierdo - 2008). Time of employees: Tobacco workers, by Roberto Izquierdo, (year 2008, in spanish)
HISTORIA DEL CULTIVO DE TABACO EN SALTA, por Ing. Marcelo A. Rodríguez Faraldo e Ing. Hugo O. Zilocchi (in spanish). History of Tobacco Cultivation in the Province of Salta, Argentina, by Marcelo A. Rodríguez Faraldo and Hugo O. Zilocchi. From the site
TOBACCO IN HISTORY AND CULTURE: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA,. Vol. 1 by Jordan Goodman (2005) (in english)
TOBACCO IN HISTORY AND CULTURE: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA,. Vol. 2 by Jordan Goodman (2005) (in english)
LAS MARCAS DE CIGARRILLOS Y SUS ESTRATEGIAS COMUNICACIONALES, Tesis de Horacio Brucellaria (in spanish). Cigarette Brands and their Communicational Strategies, thesis by  Horacio Brucellaria.
INMIGRACIÓN EUROPEA E INDUSTRIA - URUGUAY EN LA REGIÓN (1870-1915) por Alcides Beretta Curi (2014). European Immigration and Industry, Uruguay in the Region (1870-1915) by  Alcides Beretta Curi. (in spanish only)
History of Nobleza-Piccardo (in english)
History of Manuel Méndez de Andes (in spanish)
History of Manuel Malagrida y Fontanet and the contest of the Paris cigarettes (in spanish)
History of the literature contest of the "La Sin Bombo" cigarettes (in spanish)
History of Manuel Durán and La Proveedora (in spanish)
History of Juan Posse and La Popular (in spanish)
History of the factory "La Popular" (in spanish, from the newspaper "El Estandarte Porteño")
Political cigarette brands in South America (in spanish)
How Aristotle Onassis Made His First Million in Argentina (in english)
"Collecting Cigarette Packs" (article from J.J. Ruiz in "El Coleccionista") (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory La Proveedora from Manuel Durán, Chapter from the book Los Pioneers de la industria nacional, Manuel Chueco, year 1886 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory La Hija del Toro, year 1900 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory La Sin Bombo from Juan Canter, year 1906 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory Molina & cía, year 1908 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory Álvarez & cía, year 1910 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory Rodríguez & D´Amico, year 1910 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory Compañía General de Tabacos owned by J. Posse,  year 1913 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory Compañía Argentina de Tabacos,  year 1914 (in spanish)
Article about the cigarette factory owned by Fernando Sanjurjo, year 1938 (in spanish)
Article about Firpo cigarettes manufactured by La Constancia - Ariza hermanos y cía (written by Rubén Faszczak in spanish)
El Tabaco - Revista mensual de precios corrientes (magazine with price listing) Compañía Argentina de Tabacos - Nº9 Sept.1918.
Price List from Piccardo - Year 1929
Law 26687 and Decree 602/2013 regulating the use and publicity of tobacco and cigarettes (2011-2013) (in spanish)
Poder político y acción privada en el agro argentino.  La industria tabacalera (1900-1950) Noemí M. Girbal-Blacha (in spanish)
“Justicia fiscal” o “inconvenientes del empirismo”: una cuestión de privilegio – industriales y productores tabacaleros en la Argentina, 1920-1960
Noemí M. Girbal-Blacha
(in spanish)
Tabacaleros y acopiadores en la colonización del Alto Paraná Misionero (1930-1946) María Cecilia Gallero (in spanish)
Código para promoción, venta y publicidad de productos del tabaco (in spanish)
Estándares internacionales de marketing para productos de tabaco (in spanish)
Análisis económico del consumo del tabaco en Argentina (2002) (in spanish)
Caracterización del sector productor tabacalera en la República Argentina (2005) (in spanish)
Promotion of Monterrico SA products  (2015) (in spanish)