CMA - Catalogo de Marquillas Argentinas - Catalog of Argentine Cigarette Packs
Hard Boxes: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z - Old Packs - Soft Packs - Soft Packs photo - Hard Boxes photo - Export - Import - ALL
Code Name Flavor Size #cig. Year warning barcode manufacturer sold/origin color comment
KENBF-90-05a Kent FF 85 5 1970     virgina p.pando   white/black/gold $0.30 m$n 30- 5 cig
KENBF-90-07a Kent FF 85 4 1970         white/gold/blue box like a castle 4cig.
KENBF-10-05a Kent FF 85 20 1969     cert A98 ejército   white/black/gold $150 proof pack
KENBF-11-10a Kent FF 85 20 1986 efeppls   NP   white/blue/gold  
KENBP-13-11a Kent super lights SL 85 20 1993 efeppls 77910394 NP   white/ serv. Consumidor
KENBP-13-11b Kent super lights SL 85 20 1995 efeppls 77910394 NP   white/ serv. Consumidor nic&tar
KENBP-13-13a Kent super lights SL 85 20 2000 efeppls 77910394 NP   white/ serv. Cliente
KENBP-13-18a Kent super lights SL 85 20 2005 efeppls 77910394 NP   white/ monoxido
KE8BF-13-19a Kent Blue 8 FF 85 20 2005 efeppls 77910523 NP   white/blue/silver mejor antes de
KE4BF-13-19a Kent Silver 4 FF 85 20 2005 efeppls 77910530 NP   white/silver/blue mejor antes de
KE1BF-13-19a Kent Gold 1 FF 85 20 2005 efeppls 77910820 NP   white/blue/gold/silver mejor antes de
KENBF-90-05b Kent FF 100 5 1969     virgina p.pando   white/black/gold $38 5 cig. In english
KENBF-90-05c Kent FF 100 5 1970     virgina p.pando   white/black/gold $0.30 5cig. In spanish
KNGBF-10-05a Kingston filtro FF 85 20 1971     cert A98 ejército   red/gold/black $?? original pack design
KTHBF-90-07a Kethal Club FF 85 5 1985         white/orange/tan 5 cig. Publicity of a Disco
KOOBM-11-10a Kool ME 85 20 1988 efeppls   NP   white/green/gold  
KOOBM-13-11a Kool ME 85 20 1992 efeppls 77910189 NP   white/green/gold serv. Consumidor
KOOBM-13-11b Kool ME 85 20 1995 efeppls 77910189 NP   white/green/gold tar&nic serv. Consumidor
KOOBM-13-13a Kool ME 85 20 2000 efeppls 77910189 NP   white/green/gold serv. Cliente
KOOBM-13-18a Kool ME 85 20 2004 efeppls 77910189 NP   white/green/gold monoxido
KOOBM-13-19a Kool ME 85 20 2006 efeppls 77910189 NP   white/green/gold mejor antes de
KOOBM-13-20a Kool ME 85 20 2006 efeppls 77910189 NP   green/white/silver back HW top
KOOBM-13-20b Kool ME 85 20 2008 efeppls 77910189 NP Tierra del Fuego green/white/silver back HW top
KOOBM-13-21a Kool ME 85 20 2007 efeppls 77910189 NP   green/white/silver back HW bottom
KOOBM-13-21b Kool ME 85 20 2008 efeppls 77910189 NP Tierra del Fuego green/white/silver back HW bottom
KOOBI-13-20a Kool menthol milds MM 85 20 2006 efeppls 77910172 NP   blue/white/silver back HW top
KOOBI-13-21a Kool menthol milds MM 85 20 2007 efeppls 77910172 NP   blue/white/silver back HW bottom