It is not easy to date a cigarette pack because of the very little
information appearing on the pack itself. Here there are some tips that can help
collectors to identify the date when a pack was sold. See the summary
table at the end.
Information appearing on the pack
- Price: All packs appearing since 1895 until 1979 had the price printed
on the pack. In 1970 there was a change in local currency (because of inflation) from
"pesos moneda nacional" to "pesos ley 18.188" (two zeros were taken
off). The same symbol $ was used for both currencies. Packs form the year 1970 can be
easily identified because they had two prices printed on the pack (for ex. $1.00 m$n 100))
- Number of cigarettes in the pack: Packs of 14, 12 and 10 cigarettes
were predominant during the first half of the twentieth century and disappeared in the
late 50's. 14 and 12 cig. packs were manufactured until ~1935 and 10 cig. packs until
1958. They were gradually displaced from the mid 50's by packs of 20 cigarettes. In the
80's the packs of 10 cigarettes (filtered) were launched again in the most popular brands.
14 cigarette packs appeared since 2000 (Jockey, Derby, Richmond), 16 cigarette packs in
2002 (Marlboro box). In 2003 Fénix was launched in packs of 7 and 30 cigarettes. In 2004
Melbourne was sold in packs of 19 cig and Viceroy and Camel box in packs of 15 cig. In
2006 Pall Mall was sold in hard boxes of 11 cigs.
- Filter: The Acetate filter appeared in Argentina in the early 60's. In
1975 there were no more non-filter brands (with the exception of a few very cheap brands
such as Achalay, El Mangrullo, Boxer, Roger, etc)
- Size: 100mm brands appeared by the end of the 60's, 120mm brands
(Benson & Hedges, Colorado, Jockey Club and Squire) were launched in 1973.
- Hard Box: The first "Flip Top open box" was Noblesse that
appeared in 1970.
- Laws: Packs appearing between ~1950 and 1956 had the legend "ley
- Manufacturer: In 1978 Nobleza and Piccardo joined to form
Nobleza-Piccardo. The legend "Nobleza-Piccardo Puan 470-Uspallata 1720" could be
seen on the packs. In 1980 this legend changed to "Nobleza-Piccardo Av. 85 San
Martín 645". In 1979 Massalin y Celasco, Particular, and Imparciales merged to form
Massalin-Particulares. The legend "Massalin-Particulares Dr. L.Belaustegui 2701"
appeared in the packs. This legend changed to "Massalin-Particulares Av. L.N.Alem
466" in 1983. From 1979 the cigarette market in Argentina is controlled by only two
big companies: Nobleza-Piccardo (owned byr BAT) and Massalin-Particulares (owned by Philip
Morris). From the year 2000 several new small factories (and other already existing)
started to compete with the big two companies. (Coimexpor, Tab. Sarandí, Espert,
Goloteca, Miguel Pascuzzi, Dólar, Deloren, Coop. de Tabacaleros de Jujuy, etc.).
- Health warning: appeared in 1986. In 2003 the part "Ley No
23.344" was gradually removed in some Massalin-Particulares brands. In 2005
Nobleza-Piccardo brands started to appear with the health warning in the back of the pack.
- Bar code: It started to appear in 1992. In 2003 only the brand Le Mans
suave of 10 cig. does not have the bar code (this brand also has bar code since August
- Telephone for client information: It first appeared in Nobleza-Piccardo
brands in 1992. Only the best selling brands of Massalin-Particulares had a 0-800 number
from 1999. In 2002 almost all brands of Massalin Particulares had the 0-800 number. In
2000 info lines added 2 extra numbers (0-800-80000 became 0-800-8880000). The legend in
Nobleza-Piccardo packs changed from "Atención al Consumidor" (attention to the
consumer) to "Atención al Cliente" (attention to the client)
- Do not litter logo-Trash can/Tar, Nicotine & Monoxide content: They
appeared starting in 1995 in Nobleza-Piccardo brands (without monoxide contents). In 2004
the trash can was removed and the Monoxide content appeared in the packs. In 2006 the
trash can was added again with the new back health warning.
- Legend "sólo para adultos" (only for adults): It appeared on
Massalin-Particulares packs in 1998. From 2002 the legend takes 3 lines instead of 2.
- BAT logo in Nobleza Piccardo brands: From 2000 most brands of
Nobleza-Piccardo suffered a slight change in design incorporating the British American
Tobacco logo (the three tobacco leaves).
- Expiration date: From 2005 the expiration date appeared in
Nobleza-Piccardo brands with the legend "mejor antes de xx-xx-xxxx" (best
before: ) In 2007 it was moved from the top to the bottom of the side of the pack.
- Business
Name of Massalin-Particulares: Changed to SRL from the
beginning of 2016.
Nobleza-Piccardo changed the business name to British
American Tobacco Argentina SAICyF in 2017.
Massalin-Particulares changed the address to Av. Malaver 550 1ºP
Vte. López, Buenos Aires in 2017.
Information appearing on the tax stamp
- Fiscal Stamp: Since 1895 cigarettes pay taxes and they have a fiscal
stamp or seal. Until 1956 the size of the fiscal stamp was 10cm ong by 1cm wide. It
crossed the upper part of the pack sealing the front and back. The name or identification
of the manufacturer appeared on the stamp. This stamp was replaced by a smaller one that
sealed only the top of the pack. In 2002 the design of the tax-stamp was changed
- Law or decree number: The majority of the laws or decrees (internal
taxes) that can be found in fiscal stamps are shown on the table below.
- Currency: Currency in Argentina changed several times in recent history
due to hyperinflation. As previously mentioned in 1970 "pesos moneda nacional"
($ or m$n) were replaced by "pesos ley 18188" ($). In 1982 four ceros were
removed and the new currency was called "pesos argentinos" ($a). Three years
later (1985) another three zeros were taken off and the new currency was called
"Australes" (A). In 1991 Australes were replaced by $ again. Price in fiscal
staps appeared until 1991.
Year |
What changed |
1895 |
Cigarettes started paying taxes. The tax stamp appeared and the
price was printed on the pack. |
~1935 |
12 and 14 cig. packs are no longer produced. |
1950-1956 |
Legend "ley 11275" was printed on the packs. |
1956 |
Long tax stamp was replaced by the one presently used. |
~1960 |
Unfiltered packs of 10 cig. were completely replaced by packs of 20
cig. |
~1963 |
Filtered cigarettes appeared. |
1969 |
100mm cigarettes appeared |
1970 |
First "flip top" hard box appeared.
Price appeared in two currencies ($1 and m$n100) |
1973 |
120mm cigarettes appeared |
1978 |
Nobleza and Piccardo merged to form Nobleza-Piccardo (Puan-Uspallata
address) |
1979 |
Massalin y Celasco, Particular and Imparciales merged to form
Massalin-Particulares (Dr. L.Belaustegui address) |
1980 |
Address of Nobleza-Piccardo changed to "Av. 85 San Martín
645" |
1982 |
Currency on the tax stamp changed from $ to $a. |
1983 |
Address of Massalin-Particulares changed to "Av. L.N.Alem
466" |
1985 |
Currency on the tax stamp changed from $a to A. |
1986 |
Health Warning appeared |
1991 |
Price stop appearing on the tax stamp. |
1992 |
Bar code appeared in most packs (but not in all).
Telephone for client information appeared in Nobleza-Piccardo brands. |
1995 |
The "do not litter" trash can logo appeared in
Nobleza-Piccardo packs together with the tar & nicotine contents. |
1998 |
The legend "sólo para adultos" apperaed in all
Massalin-Particulares brands. |
1999 |
Telephone for client information appeared only in best selling
Massalin-Particulares brands (Marlboro & Marlboro lights). |
2000 |
0-800 telephones changed from 9 to 11 digits. Nobleza-Piccardo
changed the legend "atención al consumidor" to "atención al cliente"
BAT logo started appearing in Nobleza-Piccardo brands |
2002 |
The legend "sólo para adultos" takes 3 lines instead of
2. At the same time the TE info line appeared in almost all Massalin Particulares brands |
2003 |
Health warning: In 2003 the part "Ley No
23.344" is gradually removed in all Massalin-Particulares brands. |
2004 |
The trash can logo is removed and the carbon monoxide content is
printed in almost all Nobleza-Piccardo brands. |
2005 |
The expiration date starts appearing in Nobleza-Piccardo brands.
The health warning in Nobleza-Piccardo brands starts appearing in the back of the pack. |
2007 |
The expiration date appearing in Nobleza-Piccardo brands is moved
from the top to the bottom on the side of the pack. |
2009 |
Some of the brands manufactured by Nobleza-Piccardo changed the case
of the health warning to uppercase and removed the part "Ley No 23.344". |
2011 |
There has been a change in the address of the factory Nobleza-Piccardo
to San Martín 323 Piso 20 CABA |
2012 |
All brands start to
display 10 different pictorial health warnings. |
2013 |
Factory address in Nobleza-Piccardo brands is rotated by 90 degrees.
This address prevously changed to Calle 14 Nº 506, parque industrial
Pilar, Buenos Aires. |
2014 |
The second set of 10 pictorial health warnings starts to appear in
August 2014. |
2016 |
Massalin-Particulares changed the business name
from SA to SRL. |
2016 |
third set of 10 pictorial health warnings starts to appear in April
2016. |
2017 |
Nobleza-Piccardo changed the
business name to British American Tobacco Argentina SAICyF. |
2017 |
changed the address to Av. Malaver 550 1ºP Vte. López, Buenos Aires. |
2019 |
The fourth set of 10 pictorial health warnings starts to appear in
August 2019. |