
033/2000 Flemming Valore
040/2001 Michael Abildgaard

Flemming Valore - 033/2000
Postal Address - Dirección Postal Vandrevej 19
DK-2900 Hellerup
Start collecting - Fecha de comienzo 1957
Interested in Trading? - Desea Intercambiar? yes
Type of packs - Tipo de paquetes Empty flattened packs - Marquillas, Full packs - Paquetes llenos
Size of collection - Tamaño de la colección 11800 cigarettes - 35000 empty packs
Phone number - Teléfono +45 3962 9866
Web Site - Sitio Web coming soon!
Message I collect (prioritized):
1. 1 cigarette (live) of each brand/type/country
2. The empty packet to the above cigarette (if possible)
3. Full packs (all) of Danish manufacture or made by House of Prince, Denmark or under licence from House of Prince (e.g. Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland)
4. Inserts in packs, cigarette cards etc.
5. All items WITH cigarette advertising on e.g. lighters, matches, playing cards, ashtrays, beer mats etc.
6. Books, articles, pricelists, tobacco factory magazines, advertisements and other printed material on cigarettes, cigarette packs and cigarette
factories, tobacco museum materials (on cigarettes)
Posted - Publicado 30-Dec-2000

Michael Abildgaard Christensen - 040/2001
Postal Address - Dirección Postal Egholmvej 69
DK-2720 Vanlose
Start collecting - Fecha de comienzo 1992
Interested in Trading? - Desea Intercambiar? Yes - Si ; Contact me - Contactame
Type of packs - Tipo de paquetes Empty flattened packs - Marquillas
Size of collection - Tamaño de la colección 4100
Phone number - Teléfono +4538749435
Web Site - Sitio Web coming up
Message Hi! I'm Michael from Denmark and I'm interested in exchanging packs from all over the world. I speak Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German and Italian. Send me an e-mail and we'll work something out.
Posted - Publicado 12-Jan-2001 (updated Feb 2005)